Friday, November 5, 2010


Want a $25 Membership? Just head on over to the Groupon site at and support the Mattress Factory by purchasing a Green membership at half price!

In anticipation of a crazy day, I’d like to answer questions that may come up today (and beyond):

What is Groupon?
Groupon is a deal-of-the-day website that is localized to major markets in the U.S., including Pittsburgh. They partner with local businesses to offer a discount on an item or service and they in turn send out a free email to all of their subscribers about the deal. (You can sign up for today’s deal on their site:

What benefits are provided by the Green Membership?
No paper mail. Ever.
- FREE museum admission for one year
- FREE admission to exhibition openings
- Complimentary one-time admission for two guests
- Electronic invitations to exhibition openings and special events
- Bi-monthly email newsletters
- 10% discount in the BoxSpring Café
- 10% discount in the MF Shop – includes online purchases
- Discounted tickets to the Annual Urban Garden Party

Can I give this as a gift?
Yes, you can totally buy this for a friend, just use click on the “Buy for a Friend” link directly below the big green “Buy!” button. You can buy yourself a Membership as well as a gift Membership for a total of two.

I’m already a Member, can I renew?
Of course! I’d also like to point out that we will extend your Membership for a full year from the date of your expiration. In other words, if your Membership isn’t set to expire until July 2011 and you buy a Groupon, your Membership will be extended until July 2012. Even if you just joined the MF Member community yesterday, feel free to grab a Groupon and extend your Green Membership until November 2012.

Why Groupon?
Here at the Mattress Factory we want to make sure we are reaching out to new audiences all the time. And we’re hoping that partnering with Groupon will do just that. Lots of people in Pittsburgh don’t know what the Mattress Factory is all about and we want new people to discover “that installation museum” nestled in the middle of the Mexican War Streets.

Are you scared?
Yes! We’re actually quite nervous about a huge turnout. Our Membership Department consists of a total staff of ONE. Yup. Just one person runs all of our membership programs and initiatives. The awesome Abby Vanim is our sole Membership Coordinator, so it may take a couple of days for all of the official Green Membership welcome emails to be sent. Please be patient.

Is this deal for the Green Membership level only?
Yes. For simplicity's sake (and to preserve Abby's sanity), we are only able to offer today's Groupon Deal for the paperless Green Membership level.

Questions? Concerns? Feel free to leave a comment below or contact me (lindsay [at] mattress [dot] org) or Abby (abby [at] mattress [dot] org) at any time.

P.S. I need to give a shout out to Will Cary, former Membership Manager over at the Brooklyn Museum, for giving sage advice many moons ago. Thanks, Will! (He posted a fantastic blog post about why they did a Groupon special for their museum over on their blog in October 2009. Check it out.)


  1. This is a great deal, thanks! Can we upgrade the membership in the future by paying the difference between the Green level and the new level?

  2. Hey Beth! This is Abby, Membership Coordinator. For this Groupon special, we are encouraging people to go green and become part of our e-community, so in this case we will not be upgrading any of the purchased memberships to another level. We may have another deal in the future related to other membership levels, but for today it will be just for a Green membership! Thanks for the question! :)
