Friday, December 21, 2007

Personal Collections of Barbara Luderowski & Michael Olijnyk

Behind the scenes (or should we say way up above?) at the Mattress Factory, in the private residence of our founder and co-founder, are two fabulous personal collections containing all kinds of fun stuff.

Here's your chance to take a virtual tour and see it all.


ally reeves said...

A fabulous collection. Excellent voice over reference to Wunderkammer. I regret that the mention of the breadth of materials is not matched by visual close ups that allow a viewer to appreciate these contrasts and similarities.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind words. We're currently working to put together a more in-depth documentation of the collections. No estimated time of completion has been established, but we'll post relevant news and videos here on the blog as the progress on the project warrants.

Thanks again for reading!