Friday, July 18, 2008

David Ellis Reviewed in NY Times


Roberta Smith over at the New York Times reviews Inner and Outer Space artist David Ellis's concurrent show, Dozens, at Roebling Hall in today's paper:

The New York Times | July 18, 2008
by Roberta Smith

The work in David Ellis’s latest show alternates between routine and ingenious, and ingenious invariably involves sound and motion. This is not surprising: Mr. Ellis excels at percussion, animation and the form of action painting known as Graffiti Art; he also has a tendency to build idiosyncratic musical instruments. (For this show he collaborated with the musician Roberto Lang.) For example, “Heap” is a very large pile of trash from Brooklyn and Manhattan that regularly bursts into gadget-driven drumming. Paint cans, spackle buckets, aluminum beams and tinfoil are among the noise-makers and they’re all miked. “Ok Superman” is a reinterpretation of a player piano, which plays Laurie Anderson’s classic performance piece “O Superman” — albeit quite faintly — using small fans directed at a series of empty wine bottles; its moving parts also include a computer that prints out the song’s lyrics in the shape of the airborne action hero’s S-logo.

David spent 5 weeks here at the Mattress Factory this past February making the motion painting OKAY. A video documenting his process is below:

INNER AND OUTER SPACE continues through January 11, 2009

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