Friday, December 16, 2011

It's no secret. It's no lie. We love our artists.

One of the greatest things about working at the MF is hanging with all of the amazing artists from around the world. For our current show, Factory Installed, we all had the opportunity to spend time with the amazing Mariana Manhães.

Mariana joined us all the way from Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, but we all felt like we knew her well before she got here. She was so pumped to install a brand new work at the MF that she blogged about the whole process before she ever set foot on MF soil.

From here to there, Mariana documented sending her materials across continents on her blog

Hanging with an MF artists isn't always quite what you think it will be. Our artists transport their lives to Pittsburgh and we do our best to make them feel quite at home. We do everything from helping them settle in at our residency housing to taking them to the grocery store.


But enough about grocery stores, let's look at the art. Check out this brand-spanking new video of Mariana speaking about the work she created for our show Factory Installed, Thesethose:

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