What makes a place scary? In our next ARTLab we’ll be taking
inspiration from Nicola Kuperus and Adam Lee Miller’s Diptyching and create our own scary and usettling spaces. ArtLab is
free with your museum admission, and we encourage all to participate… IF YOU

As a result, Diptyching
is a space that elicits multiple contrasting feelings. It is welcoming and
familiar yet foreboding and unsettling. The motion-sensor spotlights may feel
accusatory when they snap on as you walk up close. The pristine tudor-style
façade is almost too perfect in contrast to the screams and construction sounds
coming from inside. When you walk in, the door slams and locks behind you,
corralling you and forcing you to walk through the space. The video embraces
comedy and tragedy much like a cartoon; the construction worker characters
bumble into construction mishaps, including bloody maimings, but the characters
always reappear for the next bit, including the oldest joke in the book: the
dangers of the misplaced banana peel. Depending on your constitution, you may
find what you see hilarious, or you may find it gross or uncomfortable.
So what makes a place creepy for you? Why do we like to be
scared? Come to the Mattress Factory and experiment with other visitors on
October 19th!

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